
ForEachCallback<Value, Payload>

Represents a callback function of .forEach() method which is executed once for each element.

type ForEachCallback<Value = any, Payload = object> = (
  result: boolean,
  value: Value,
  index?: number,
  array?: any[],
  payload?: Payload
) => void;

Generic type variables


A generic type variable Value determines the type of the value parameter, by default any.


The shape of the optional payload parameter, by default object.


result: boolean

The result of the check of a boolean type.

value: Value

The value that has been checked of a generic type variable Value.

index: number

An optional number of checked array element.

array: any[]

An optional array of any type that each element is checked.

payload?: Payload

An optional object of a generic type variable Payload to provide more data.

Return type

The return value is void.

Last updated

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